International Professional Mechanics & Manufacturing Team 

- Acts Provide Customers with Solutions for Building Structure Safe in the Earthquake 


ACTS-SDT specializes in all types of dampers, seismic system analysis, seismic protection, design, damper system testings, while providing accurate, efficient, flexible and versatile damper testing systems which the markets need.


Shock Control Technology to Protect Your Life

We are ready to serve you!


With the company's excellent and stable earthquake protection device, it can ensure the safety of structures and users under extreme stress conditions.

Wind Resistance & Damping Solution

Wind Resistance 、Base Isolation & Damping Solution

Base Isolation & Damping Solution

Representative project

UBC Museum of Anthropology, Shock Resistant & Green Building and all artifacts are well protected, Vancouver, Canada  Multiple . 

LA Live building, located in downtown Los Angeles, California

Wilshire Grand, 73-story commercial building, it is the landmark  which combines with hotels and offices, Los Angeles, California.

Technical exchange activities

ACTS ACTS-SDT Manufacture, production5850 Byrne Rd, Burnaby #18, BC V5J 4Z2 canada ; Unit 18 - 5850 Byrne Rd, Burnaby, BC V5J 4Z2 canada